Marin Voice: Insurance officials embrace strategies to protect against wildfires

“The homeowners and neighborhoods working hard to reduce their wildfire risk should be recognized for their efforts — which is why California’s homeowners insurers, modeling experts, fire science experts and many others are working to improve the science and technology that will make this possible.”
May is Wildfire Awareness Month, It’s Never too Early to Prepare

“While it is not possible to eliminate wildfire risk, we are not powerless against it. We must come together as communities and homeowners with a pragmatic approach to mitigate risk at all levels and ultimately reduce property damage,” said Roy Wright, President and CEO of the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety.
One thing we know is that wildfire risk cannot be addressed by one home alone. In recent years, California has seen embers from powerful, wind-driven fires travel as far as a mile away. In this situation, the key to wildfire preparation is in comprehensive, community and regional solutions.