Key steps to ease homeowners recovery when disaster strikes
Sacramento, Calif. – With dozens of major wildfires having already threatened homes and forced evacuations early this fire season, California’s insurance experts offer insights and actions homeowners can take if their property is damaged by fire.
“After going through a trauma like losing your home to wildfire, starting to rebuild can be a daunting and overwhelming task. We encourage homeowners and their families to lean on their insurance company and local agent to help guide them through the recovery process,” said Janet Ruiz with the Insurance Information Institute.
While the Stronger California Coalition supports a comprehensive, community and regional approach to wildfire mitigation to limit the tragedy of home loss, the risk cannot be eliminated completely. Last year alone, over ten thousand structures were damaged or destroyed by wildfire.
“There are important steps that can help you recover and rebuild from the tragedy of losing your home to a wildfire. Knowing the process and how to work with your insurance company reduces the confusion of this traumatic event,” said Nicole Ganley, with the American Property Casualty Insurance Association.
Those first hours and days after a wildfire strikes can be a blur for impacted homeowners. To remove some of the mystery surrounding important initial actions families should take if their home is damaged, Stronger CA has outlined the first steps for getting back home.
Steps For Getting Back Home
Contact your insurer promptly – Call or text your insurer or visit their website to start your claim as soon as possible.
Discuss coverage for temporary housing – Your insurer will cover the cost of temporary housing and living expenses immediately following a wildfire. Be sure to keep your hotel and meal receipts.
Work with an adjuster – Adjusters will walk through the claims process, answer questions, estimate damage, and settle your claim.
Provide your home inventory – Review old videos, photos, or credit card statements to help you complete your contents inventory. Friends or family may also have photos from inside your home.
Hire contractors – Get three written estimates. Check references & licenses, pay as work is completed, don’t get rushed.
Review the scope of work – Review plans to ensure you are rebuilding with the same number of square feet and finishes. Insurance covers the cost of rebuilding with similar materials.
Stay up to date on payments – Continue to pay your mortgage and property taxes.
Keep home insurance during rebuild – Speak with your insurance company to discuss coverages and limits needed during the rebuilding process.
Additional Materials
The Stronger California Coalition has additional materials that can help homeowners preparation their insurance policy for wildfire.
Getting Back Home – Beginning recovery after a disaster
Are You Prepared – Protecting your home by staying up-to-date on your insurance policy is more important than ever
Home Insurance Checkup – Give your homeowners insurance policy a checkup
Protections for California Homeowners – New laws support homeowners and communities impacted by wildfires