May 19, 2021

The Honorable Lorena Gonzalez, Chair
The Honorable Frank Bigelow, Vice Chair
Members, Assembly Appropriations Committee
State Capitol, Room 2114
Sacramento, California 95814

RE: AB 981 (Frazier) – Support

Dear Honorable Members of the California Legislature:

On behalf of the organizations listed above, we write in support of Assembly Bill 981 (Frazier), which establishes a council to identify programs administered by state, regional, and local agencies to address and minimize the risks of wildfire and assist in program implementation.

There is a collective acknowledgment that our state must work together on comprehensive and effective solutions to reduce wildfire risk in order to save homes and lives. This includes becoming more wildfire resilient, increasing collaborative conversations, reducing conflict, aligning policies, and developing new ideas from the many diverse voices and perspectives needed to address the complex issue of wildfire in California. These diverse voices include safety entities, insurance, social services, utilities, environmental groups, planning, building sciences, land managers, land-use planners, educators, air quality and public health, climate scientists, home builders, and more.

AB 981 would establish a much-needed, defined body of people with a broad set of views to work through challenges and implement solutions. California does not have such a group today. We believe that creating an appointed body within the Natural Resources Agency for such a reason will help support both state-level actions and local communities.

For the above reasons, we urge your support of AB 981 (Frazier). We look forward to continuing to work together with the legislature to better protect homes, communities, and residents.


American Property Casualty Insurance Association
Personal Insurance Federation of California
California Building Industry Association
Southern California Edison
California Fire Safe Council
Stronger California