Marin Voice: Insurance officials embrace strategies to protect against wildfires

“On the heels of a winter with well below-average precipitation, we face yet another drought this summer, increasing fire risk for communities across the state. It is more critical than ever that we work together as insurers, regulators, local governments and legislators to protect our communities, lives and properties.

Marin is well ahead of the curve, with voters passing the local Measure C initiative, which has allocated real dollars behind wildfire preparedness efforts. These efforts include critical vegetation management programs and full-time property inspectors working with the fire department to enforce community wildfire protection plan standards. Insurers were happy to support the “Yes on C” campaign. But the work has just begun to ensure communities are protected.

By comparison, not many communities are as prepared or invested. An analysis of local fire prevention and preparedness measures from 2020 showed that 74% of communities voted against this investment, even if it was only a nominal local tax.”

“The homeowners and neighborhoods working hard to reduce their wildfire risk should be recognized for their efforts — which is why California’s homeowners insurers, modeling experts, fire science experts, and many others are working to improve the science and technology that will make this possible. One thing we know is that wildfire risks to homes, businesses and communities can be reduced but not eliminated. Unfortunately, the extent to which these measures provide protection cannot be quantified with the tools available today.”

“Home insurance companies are in the business of selling home insurance policies. Having homeowners covered adequately and on the books ultimately keeps business going and benefits everyone. We are looking forward to continuing to collaborate and work collectively on a solution that increases insurance availability and protects homes and lives.”