Reducing wildfire risk calls for collective, community preparedness

“Looking back to the devastating 2017 and 2018 wildfire seasons, it’s hard to believe that catastrophic fires like Thomas and Woolsey would ever be matched. The Thomas Fire was one of the largest wildfires in our state’s history until the 2020 season brought five chart-topping wildfires and scorched over four million acres.

Reoccurring, destructive wildfires in Ventura County and across the state have raised awareness of the urgent need for wildfire safety education and home preparedness training in wildfire-prone areas. It is more important than ever to ensure our communities are prepared with a comprehensive plan for wildfire prevention and preparedness to shore up our defenses and save property and lives…”

“Fire Safe Councils support bringing homeowners, residents, firefighters, and agencies together to empower a collective effort to reduce the risk to people, homes, communities, and our environment.

This is critical because one homeowner alone cannot reduce overall wildfire risk. While you may take all the important steps to protect your own home from fire, if your neighbors don’t make the effort to clear brush or harden their homes, your family could still be at risk if an out-of-control wildfire travels through your neighborhood…”

“There is a collective acknowledgment that our state must work together on comprehensive and effective solutions to reduce wildfire risk in order to save homes and lives. The California Fire Safe Council supports this shared goal and will continue to empower our communities to protect themselves from wildfire.”